07 January 2009

Finally snow!

So we finally got some snow here in Indiana. I wanted to have at least 2 feet of snow before the end of my break, but alas I'll have to do with under an inch. But it was pretty.
Haven't kept up this winter with the blog, mostly because I've been so busy running around with family and friends to be on the computer for longer than a couple minutes, if that some days. But with the new semester and a clean plan as to what needs to happen I think I'll have plenty to tell everyone in the coming months.
Schedule for next semester has me going to class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays....and done by 2 everyday. Hopefully this will allow me to get a good paying job doing something that makes at least 400 to 500 dollars a month working 15 to 20 hours a week...but we'll see. I'll be taking Advanced Human Neuropsychology, Psychology of Sex Similarities and Differences, and Psychotherapy theory, res, and practice....woot woot. I'm so excited to be taking these classes, they were all first choices. I will also begin studying for the comprehensive exam around February ish.....with the plan being to take it during the summer for the first (and hopefully also last time) DSM IV here I come!!
Went to the dentist this morning. Go me, no cavities!
Now on to doing early spring cleaning...aka clearing out anything that is unneeded in this house.


Anonymous said...

What a joy and fun to have you "home for the holidays" here in Indiana. And the cleaning is still in progress since you've returned to DC - this upcoming weekend will make things much tidier around this house and it would not have happened without you!!!

stay warm - it's -12 degrees below here in Indy this morning!!


Erica said...

Sounds like a heavy load for you this semester...interesting classes! Have fun!

A Davis said...

ya, i need to get me a DSM IV, i've been putting it off. :)