08 February 2007

Today I've made 3 blogs....wierd, I know

So everyone I know on this blog tagged me, therefore I must answer. I have to list six weird things about myself. The me tagging six others won't work because they all tagged me, but I hope you all enjoy this.

1. I must be able to see out both a window and a door from my desk and bed...i won't sit there very long otherwise.
2. I would rather sit in a towel for over an hour than get dressed.
3. I have a group of moles on my right arm that look like the big dipper...imagine how bored i was to figure that one out..
4. I like adrenaline rushes....bungee jumping, sky-diving, roller coasters, you name it i'll do it
5. I'm terrified of injections...but don't mind needles...
6. I can put a foot behind my neck and hold my breath for almost 2 minutes....probably not at the same time though....*giggles*

and if my mom ever reads this she is tagged!
and 7. my mom doesn't have a belly-button but i do *grins*

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