08 February 2007

School, work, school, work.....wait, is that all i do?

Apparently, yes, that is my life. The highlight to my weekend.....wait for it....wait for it.....WORK! That's right, I spent Saturday night and Sunday night at work with a computer that made us stay 3 extra hours just to input the money collected and food shortages and such that usually takes 15 minutes. So bleeeeeh.

But Friday was good. Went into work like I normally do on Fridays, because I've been scheduled every Friday night since I started...but about five minutes into work my manager comes over and says: "Gail, you're not on the schedule tonight, i checked twice, you can go home." Strange...i know, she was as surprised as I. SOO, i called Ashley, one of my amazing friends who sometimes drives me to and from work and asked if she was busy cause i was feeling generous. We decided to eat Chipotle and go see "Because I said so"....great movie by the way, i recommend it to everyone...

My room is a disgusting mess, we're not sure what happened, but it has...maybe a tornado or hurricane, look to be updated on this situation.

I know this is the most random blog entry, please bare with me. My brother's birthday was yesterday and I'm going home this coming weekend to see him and hang. He wants to go iceskating, which is cool and i'm looking forward to it. WOOT WOOT

NOTE: I plan to get pictures where my brother is smiling, in the near future....look for updates on this quest for the smile.


Erica said...

Wow! James' hair looks great. Did you inspire him or something?

Gail said...

hehe...that's an older photo..but he did trim up the hair a bit...it looks okay/good now, i'll post a more recent one soon. *grins*