19 August 2008

Second....or maybe Third Try

OK guys. I know I basically fail at the blogging thing. But I'm doing a lot of changing right now and blogging is a goal.

So to start off. As some of you know I am attending American University in Washington, DC this fall. I am "officially" a general Pschology graduate student, but what that really means is I'm a psychology graduate with a focus in whatever I want. As those who know me well know I loveeee working with kids, so my focus is Child and Adolescent clinical psychology. I'll be working with a couple different professors and still waiting to find out if I got a position with a professor Dr. Mance who works with inner-city adolescents and cultural image and identity. I would be totally PSYCHED!!! if I got that position (hehe..pun). Three classes, which is a huge change from what I've been doing in undergrad, but the classes are significantly more involved (aka 3.5+ hours per class just for the actual class time) I have five books I'm supposed to basically memorize before next summer for the cumulative exam that allows the psych grad students to graduate. I am so excited!! It's still a bit daunting sometimes.

Last week I had orientation with the other students in my program...20 total students this year out of the total 400+ applicants, so I'm basically very very thankful for the opportunity to be at this school. The director of the program said quote: "no crying in my office at the end of this semester about not having a thesis topic picked yet......at the end of the second semester you may cry, but not until then!!" He cracked me up, he thinks he's going to be on estrogen overload with this year's class (there are only 3 guys out of the 20 of us). He also said quote: "You aren't allowed to get C's, but if you do get one C don't flip out just work on it, but you may NOT NOT NOT get two C's; if you do I have to fight to keep you in the program and two C's doesn't convince me you should be here.....three and God help you if you come to my office"

He is truly a nice guy, so hopefully I won't have to go to office about bad things.

Laura (my roommate I've had already for a year) is going to Georgetown, which is just a few blocks from my school, so we decided we should live together again. We already know how we function with each other, and have a system down and similar budget. So we moved here at the beginning at August; technically we live in Bethesda, MD but it's the south side of Bethesda right on the border of DC (literally I can walk two blocks and be in DC) It's a nice area, safe and easy to commute from. We have a grocery store across the street so shopping is easy and a great pizza place about a 8 minute walk. Biggest change...lol....they don't sell liquor in grocery stores. Neither Laura or I drink very much, but they don't even sell Mike's hard lemonade!! I mean geez o pete. I won't even tell you guys how much rent is, it still shocks me. We got furniture when we got out here, it's super comfortable and way worth the money we spent.

Hmm, I will try to get some pictures up soon of the apartment and the area around here.

And I will try very hard to actually keep this updated at least every few days (3-4) I promise!!!!


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